International Corporate Health Leadership Council (the Council), was established in 2012 as a first-of-its-kind think tank. The Council is made up of the most senior leadership in corporate health with one goal in mind: to drive standards and policies that result in reducing risk and improving the delivery of healthcare to international travelers, expatriates (and their families) and employees in emerging markets, wherever they may live or work.
The Council operates under three fundamental holistic pillars: PEOPLE, PLACE and PURPOSE.
Utilizing trends in the workforce demographics to address efforts that will improve employee wellness, reduce medical risk, and ultimately have a positive impact on productivity.
Highlights health risks specific to workforce geographic locations and identifies the unique requirements needed to support the health of a globally mobile workforce.
Focuses on how corporate health can define your mission, as well as your ethos.
We are looking forward to our ICHLC Annual Meeting, May 17-18 in Orlando, FL. We have invited multiple speakers with expertise in areas of interest to the members. The theme of this 2-day meeting is: "Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance ESG: How CMDs Can Generate a Structured Framework for Risk Management and Value Generation”.
- Friday, May 17 - Meeting Day 1
- Friday, May 17 - Council Dinner
- Saturday, May 18 - Meeting Day 2
Book Review
Are you responsible for the health and safety of employees? How well are you prepared for the next pandemic or disaster?
Our Executive Chairman, Dr. Robert L. Quigley was asked by the ACOEM to provide a book review of The IBM COVID-19 Compendium: an invaluable resource and quick reference guide of best policies and procedures to prepare for the next pandemic or in fact any potential natural/man-made disaster of the future. The content is designed as a reference text easily understood by physicians, security professionals, and lay people alike whether they come from large global organizations with occupational health services and a GSOC or simply small organizations with a limited on-site operational staff. The format is very deliberately structured such that the reader can efficiently locate information relevant to their interest in pandemic (crisis) planning. More Info.
2023 ICHLC ANNUAL MEETING: Philadelphia, PA
16th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting
Philadelphia, PA
April 14-15, 2023
We successfully hosted the 16th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
Throughout the meeting, we had the privilege of hearing from senior health leaders and phenomenal speakers who addressed crucial topics such as "Today's Ideal Workplace," "The Framework and Best Practices for a Healthier Workforce," "The Next Pandemic and Climate Change," and "Workplace Violence." The discussions were thought-provoking and informative, providing us with valuable knowledge and strategies to navigate the ever-changing landscape of corporate health and wellness.
As we reflect on the meaningful interactions and collaborations that took place during the meeting, we are already looking forward to next year's event. We are confident that our future endeavors will continue to foster meaningful conversations, create innovative solutions, and inspire positive change in the field of corporate health and wellness.
A special thank you to our diverse and dynamic group of speakers.
Speakers: Peter Vermeulen, Robert Hellrigel, Dr. Nimisha Kalia, Dr. Raymond Fabius, Dr. Richard Safeer, Dr. Craig Spencer, Dr. Gregg Furie, Rich Davis, Dr. Jonathan O'Keeffe.
2023 ICHLC ANNUAL MEETING: Philadelphia PA
Dear ICHLC Members,
We are looking forward to reconvening as a group in person for our ICHLC Annual Meeting, April 14-15 in Philadelphia, PA. We have invited multiple speakers with expertise in areas of interest to the members. The theme of this 2-day meeting is: "Rebuilding social capital to align with the post pandemic workplace."
Hotel Accommodations have been reserved at The Philadelphia Marriott Downtown.
- Thursday, April 13. Welcome Meet & Greet Gathering
- Friday, April 14 - Meeting Day 1
- Friday, April 14 - Formal Dinner
- Saturday, April 15 - Meeting Day 2
Dear ICHLC Members,
We are looking forward to reconvening as a group in person for our ICHLC Annual Meeting, April 29-30, 2022 in Salt Lake City, UT. We have invited multiple speakers with expertise in areas of interest to the members. The theme of this 2-day meeting is: ”How COVID-19 has Forever Changed the Role and Perception of the CMD. Hotel Accommodations have been reserved at The Grand America Hotel and the meeting will take place at The Alta Club.
- Thursday, April 28th - Meeting & Greet Cocktail Party
- Friday, April 29th - Meeting Day 1
- Friday, April 29th - Formal Dinner
- Saturday, April 30th - Meeting Day 2
Register for the meeting HERE
Dear ICHLC Members,
On Thursday, March 12, 2020 the ACOEM officially canceled the 105th AOHC to be held in Washington DC in May. Regrettably, in the context of a national state of emergency, and in consideration of your health and safety, we have canceled our annual ICHLC meeting for May 1-2 in Washington DC. Since postponement/rescheduling is not a consideration for the AOHC it will not be the case for the ICHLC. Although consideration was considered for a virtual meeting it soon became evident that the logistics of bringing so many people together from different countries and time zones was just not practical. We plan to disseminate information about the future once this present (global) crisis has resolved.
As healthcare providers, it is important that we remain informed and calm and that we make every effort to preserve business continuity within our respective workforce without compromise to the health and safety of our mobile workers. “Unity is strength.”
July 7, 2019
CoreHealth Technologies names ICHLC as one of the top 14 Resources for Wellness Professionals.
Workplace wellness is a fast growing industry in North America and around the world. As the technology provider powering wellness programs for leading providers, CoreHealth likes to keep apprised of what’s the latest in the industry so we can keep our customers on the cutting edge of wellness.
Read MoreMay 1, 2019
The International Corporate Health Leadership Council Chairmen present, Best Practices to Protect the Patient, the Corporation and themselves when processing PHI in Varied Jurisdictions at the 2019 AOHC in Anheim, CA.
Anaheim, CA
May 1, 2019
Speakers: Dr. Myles Druckman, Dr. Mark Parrish, Dr. Jules Duval
The International Corporate Health Leadership Council Chairmen presented and in-depth speaking engagement on the "Best Practices to Navigate the Evolving Privacy Challenges Facing the Corporate Medical Director Operation in Global Jurisdictions", at the 2019 AOHC in Anaheim, CA.
More and more graduating doctors and seasoned clinicians are choosing a career in corporate health care. Where once the pool of prospective corporate medical directors (CMD) derived primarily from occupational medicine backgrounds, it now represents a cross section of physicians with varied academic/clinical backgrounds. There are limited, if any, guidelines for best practice when managing/sharing PHI domestically and across borders. Difficult decisions often require ethical considerations that challenge the CMD to render a decision in accordance with the principals and values of the profession. These choices can be difficult because of conflicting values, administrative rules, and legalities (domestic vs. across borders). It was within the framework of this aforementioned reality that the International Corporate Health Leadership Council (The Council) was created 8 years ago. The panel of Council members will discuss privacy considerations surrounding the collection of PHI in different global jurisdictions. Recommendations will be provided on best practices to ensure “protection” of the CMD, the corporation, and the patient/employee.
April 26-27, 2019
13th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting
Anaheim, CA
April 26-27
We successfully hosted the 13th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting in Anaheim, CA.
The meeting was a huge success bringing together senior health leaders, addressing subjects including pandemics impacting enterprises, mental illness at home and abroad, preserving the health of the mobile worker and strategies to manage failure and success; value of mind, body and spirit.
A special thank you to our diverse and dynamic group of speakers who provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools. We greatly appreciate your time and participation and look forward to future collaborations and the growth of the International Corporate
- Timothy Brewer
- Larry Madoff
- Andrew Rundle
- Kennethe Thigpen
- Stephen Frangos
- Ed Ramos
- Christine Arakelian
- Adam Kreek
September 7, 2018
Get The Most Return From Your Wellness Program: 7 Best Practices
Keeping employees happy and healthy is no longer seen as an employee benefit but rather a necessary driver of business continuity and a sustainable industry. Here, in conjunction with the International Corporate Health Leadership Council , are seven best practices to get the most return from your wellness program:
Within the next two years, employee health metrics and indicators will be a critical measure of overarching company performance within the wider corporate framework. Employee health indicators are becoming core to existing corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and integrated reporting.
With new research considering burnout syndrome as an occupational disease within the European Union, mental health now effects 3 out of every 5 employees within corporate settings. Organizations should create a corporate environment that destigmatizes mental health problems by recognizing them as a potentially serious medical condition, as we would with a heart defect or a lung condition.
There is enough evident to show that workplace wellness programming is a benefit that pays for itself. New programs have started to use value on investment incorporating metrics that go beyond medical savings, such as employee morale, company employability or enhanced productivity, and other less tangible benefits.
Each program or activity should be earmarked with a set of indicators to measure progress and success. This indicator list should be designed at the initial stages of workplace wellness program inception.
It is important to incorporate programs that are evidence-based and scientifically proven to improve employee morale and retention. A workplace culture that’s supportive of emotional, financial, physical and social well-being is key.
Incentives tend to nudge people to do small things over short periods of time. Well-designed incentives that are integrated into a wider evidence-based program are more likely to result in long-term effects.
Partnering with other organizations can help leverage in-house capabilities that your organiza-tion brings to the table with skill sets that may lie outside of your company.
Friday, April 26-27
12th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting
Dublin, Ireland
April 26-27
We successfully hosted the 12th International Corporate Health Leadership Council Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, themed with "Survival Of The Fittest".
We had fantastic discussions and presentations which included the potential impact of new European GDPR regulations, sustainability reporting and the GRI , update on emerging tropical diseases. We also discussed best practices for corporate medical directors in any country who is in charge of PHI and how that can be incorporated in a white paper.
We had a diverse and dynamic group of speakers who provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools of engagement models, methods and mechanisms to use in the on-going global corporate medical efforts.
- Judy Kuszewski
- Dr. Robert Jefferson
- Dr. Sundheep Dhillon
- Dr. Gary Brunette
- Dr. Jukka Takala
- Dr. Robert Steffen
- Ardi Kolah
Monday, April 30, 2018
32nd International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH)
Dublin, Ireland
April 30, 2018
The ICOH congress is one of the world’s largest international congresses in the field of occupational health and safety where experts from all around the gather every three years to share their experience and knowledge.
Executive Chairman, Robert Quigley, MD, D. PHIL presented at ICOH on the "Impact of mental illness on productivity of the mobile workforce as the worker profile transitions from baby boomer to millennial."
Based on our 2018 International corporate Health Trends

Conference: Thursday, November 23, 2017
Boundless Care for Protecting Your People Beyond Borders
4th Annual China Conference
November 23, 2017
On Thursday, November 23, International SOS China successfully hosted the 4th Annual China Conference in Beijing, themed with Boundless Care for Protecting Your People Beyond Borders. This year, they had a record 276 external attendees of 350 registrants, 15 guest speakers and panelists, 9 internal guest speakers, 6 exhibition booths, 7 media, all of which made the Annual Conference an exciting platform to interact with our clients, prospects and partners. International SOS medical and security experts, government representatives, well-known scholars, senior executives from China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China ZhenHua Oil, China Mobile, ABB, Tyco Electronics and other corporate representatives gathered together at this grand summit.
In addition, during this event, the International Corporate Health Leadership Council's 2018 International Corporate Health Trends Report and corresponding infographics were presented. The information highlighted the new and evolving trends within international corporate health through the Council's framework of People, Place and Purpose. The session received positive feedback from attendees.
- Dr. Zhang Shu